Author: Tyler Howard (Tyler Howard)

New HIPAA Survey Questions Available

Needs Attention: New HIPAA Survey Questions Available On 8/1/19

Good Morning, In order to provide the most current and complete compliance policies and procedures, MedSafe is updating the HIPAA trainings and online HIPAA manuals including new policies and procedures.  This change will go into effect on 8/1/2019.   Due to these updates, after logging in after August 1st, you will notice new questions that will...


HIPAA and Social Media

In today’s social media era, companies all over the world benefit from the ease of using social networks to communicate quickly and efficiently with their customers. Although slower to adopt, the healthcare industry has also joined the social media craze. Healthcare organizations utilize social media to attract, communicate, and interact with current and potential patients....


National Safety Month: Part 2

20 statistics that stress the importance of safety awareness and prevention at home and in the workplace June is National Safety Month, join MedSafe in bringing awareness to the importance of ensuring safety at work and home!!!


AMCA Data Breach Effects Over 20 million Patients

American Medical Collections Agency (AMCA), a company that provides billing collection services to healthcare organizations, confirmed that sometime between August 2018 and March 2019, an unauthorized user accessed its web payment system which included several healthcare clients and held millions of patient’s information.  BioReferences Laboratories, Quest Diagnostics/Optum 360, and LabCorp are among those companies affected....


National Safety Month

June is National Safety Month, join MedSafe in bringing awareness to the importance of ensuring healthcare safety in the workplace! Healthcare is the fastest-growing sector in the US, employing over 18 million individuals. However, it is also one of the most hazardous environments to work in. Healthcare workers are exposed to a wide range of...

Patient Safety Awareness

Patient Safety Awareness Week 2019

Research suggests that medical errors are now the third leading cause of death in the United States, totalling over 250,000 deaths per year. (3) In addition, The Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine estimates that every nine minutes, someone in a U.S. hospital dies due to a wrong or delayed medical diagnosis. (5) From a...

The hipaa compliance guide for remote workere

Tips for Ensuring Your Remote Employees are HIPAA Compliant

In today’s digital age, it should come as no surprise that the number of employees working from home has been steadily increasing over the past decade. In fact, in the last 15 years, telecommuting positions have grown by a whopping 140%. (1) While new technologies have made telecommuting more possible through easier and more efficient...


Is Constant Contact HIPAA Compliant?

Constant Contact, Inc. is an online marketing company, headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts that provides an email marketing solution which makes it easy for companies to stay in contact with their customers through sending newsletters, updates, and email marketing messages. Many medical offices and healthcare facilities utilize constant contact to keep in touch with their patients....


“The Right to Know the Price”

Imagine going to the grocery store, getting your weekly groceries, but not knowing how much it would be until you receive a bill in the mail weeks later. Imagine getting an oil-change or going on vacation and not knowing the cost. This is exactly what happens to millions of patients each and every day, and...

worldwide doctor with stethoscope

2017 National Health Expenditures Highlights

CMS released the 2017 National Health Expenditures, and overall health spending saw growth, however, less than 2016. National health spending increased by 3.9% reaching $3.5 trillion, or $10,739 per person and accounted for 17.9% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Below are some of the highlights from the report: Health Spending by Type of Service or...