Charge Capture / Entry

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Management of accounts and collaboration:

A key component in assuring your invoices are paid appropriately starts with the Charge Entry process. This is the process of allocating to the patients’ accounts the appropriate dollar amount in accordance with the selected medical codes and associated fee schedule. The charges entered for the rendered medical services determine how much the healthcare professional will be reimbursed for their services. Charge Entry must be done accurately because mistakes could lead to more claim denials. By doing a thorough examination of the medical services offered, you can prevent millions of dollars from being lost to revenue leakage. To guarantee that the charges recorded are accurate, all procedures are invoiced for, and the codes assigned are compliant, we ensure effective coordination between the coding and the charge entry teams.

Steps in the Charge entry process:

The subsequent steps make up our procedure.

• Receipt of paperwork via an FTP server, an EHR, or a document management system, including invoices, charge tickets, and related clinical documentation.
• Recording the patient’s demographic information, date of service, billing provider, referring healthcare provider, place of service, date and time of admission, ICD/CPT codes, number of units, and modifiers.
• Automation of workflows to offer daily reports to clients and promote collaboration to ensure adherence to filing deadlines
• Check imported charges for accuracy before billing.
• SQC (Statistical Quality Control) to conduct a random audit to assess the process’s quality.
• Observance of established provider-specific guidelines for various specialties and delivered services

Benefits offered by our team:

• Through stated objectives for our agents, we will increase the efficiency and accuracy of the entry process.
• We bring competency across medical specialties
• Utilizing our comprehensive global delivery architecture, we can increase turnaround time and ensure claims are filed on time.
• Monitoring of denial patterns and constant benchmarking of fee schedules to ensure a decrease in claim denial
• Utilize charge audits to optimize revenues and locate lost revenue.